Most of us think of wall clocks as being a modern invention, but in fact there are plenty of antique wall clocks to be found. They have been around for hundreds of years. There is a breathtaking assortment of wall clocks from all over the world. Popular because they don't take up table space and can be hung safely away from mischievous hands, these clocks can grace any home, no matter what its style.
All Types of Wall Clocks
Some wall clocks are also pendulum clocks, and some are very ornate. Cuckoo clocks are a type of wall clock. An English wall clock used to be called so for no other reason than it was made in England, but nowadays an English wall clock could be made anywhere-the name has come to refer to the style.
Usually made of wood, these clocks can also be made of brass, marble or even papier-maché. Some of the most beautiful examples of wall clocks are inlaid with mother of pearl or exotic woods. Some wall clocks are made of quite modest wood, such as pine or deal, but are painted so exquisitely that they are much sought after by interior decorators.
Mass Production
Clocks to be hung on the wall became very popular in the early twentieth century, when many of them were mass produced. They included the first electrical clocks. Nowadays wall clocks are often made of plastic made to look like a variety of different materials, and are mass produced in Japan and China for sale all over the world. Unlike their now-precious predecessors, modern wall clocks are generally a very cheap addition to the home.