วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Grandmother Clocks

Shorter versions of grandfather clocks or long case clocks are commonly called grandmother clocks, and sometimes referred to as a "short long-case." The maximum height of grandmother clocks is usually around 6 ft tall, as opposed to 8ft 6in for a grandfather clock. There the difference seems to end though.

Popular Grandmother
Grandmother clocks have all the variety, beauty and elegance of grandfather clocks, and they are just as collectible. In fact, grandmother clocks are, if anything, more popular nowadays simply because they fit into smaller spaces with elegance. A full size grandfather clock is often too big for modern buildings.
Often a replica that is referred to as a grandfather is, in fact a grandmother clock because of its size. Non-experts tend to call all long-case type clocks grandfather clocks. If in doubt, get your tape measure out and you will soon know!

Want a Big Clock for a Small Space?
If you have always longed for a grandfather clock, but such a large one would not look right in your home, then consider a grandmother clock. You'll be getting the same shape and grace, but the smaller scale may well work in the space you have in mind. You can choose from antique grandmother clocks, replicas (those which are new but modeled on antique clocks), or you can even find modern versions of grandmother clocks these days. An acrylic one, for example, would look right at home in the most modern decorative scheme.

